How do I make space for my balcony garden?
Here are some important tips for it :
[*]Choose what type of plants you want based on climate, sunlight availability, location of balcony etc.
[*]Choose hanging baskets to keep your plants in.
[*]Adopt the practice of mulching to help retain moisture in plants. Place mulch on the surface of the soil and place bark, leaves, and wood chips to this.
[*]Find information of the requirement of water for your potted plants. Schedule the watering accordingly.
Start from some seeds, creative pots ideas or surf for some bloggers. I have been gardening for a year already and simply crazy about those brown planters Very large planters are perfect if you want your plants to stand out in your garden this year. With their ability to enhance the scenery of your outdoor space, large pots can be just as important as the plants themselves. Simply give them a try. Good like and happy gardening
Last edited by ladygaga (4/08/2020 8:54 pm)
Are you interested in exploring a modern and efficient way of gardening? Look no further than a DIY hydroponic system. With this soilless method, plants are grown in a nutrient-rich water solution, allowing their roots to directly absorb the necessary elements for growth. DIY hydroponic systems offer numerous benefits, including space efficiency, water conservation, year-round cultivation, and improved pest control. By building your own hydroponic system, you have the freedom to customize it according to your available space, budget, and desired plants. With the right setup, materials, and step-by-step guidance, you can create a thriving indoor garden and enjoy the rewards of fresh, pesticide-free produce. So, let's dive in and discover how to construct your very own DIY hydroponic system!
Last edited by shopbestgoods (6/06/2023 9:50 pm)