Hoi Nederlanders! (or transplanted Others )
Do you want to have a gathering in Rotterdam? I'm hosting an art exhibition at my home here on 23 September (Hector mentioned this on the other post) and it runs through 14 October. The opening will be a bit busy but I think it'd be really nice for us to get together here another day so then we can also check out the work while it's here :D it's going to be really nice!
Here are some dates that work for me - do they work for anyone else who wants to come over?
5 and 6 October
11 October
Daytime/afternoon is great for me.
Happy Monday,
Ok- outside-board communications have me settling on 5 Oct
Let's say 15h? I have two cats so...if you're allergic maybe medicate before coming??
Let me know if you're up for coming!
Heya, sounds awesome, just posted in hector's thread too, can't make the 23rd but might be down for the 5th!
Sorry I can't make it on the 5th.
Disappointed that we won't see you, Barbed! Next time
For everyone else I'm looking forward to seeing you on Thursday - PM me if you need an address or other such info.
see you soon!