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4/01/2021 4:14 am  #1

Are whitening treatments at the dentist safer than at home?

Are whitening treatments at the dentist safer than at home?


4/01/2021 9:13 pm  #2

Re: Are whitening treatments at the dentist safer than at home?

Personally I like PHILIPS ZOOM and should say it help me a lot. The thing is that it is the latest teeth whitening technology with maximum effect and gentle effect. I have never even thought there is smh so effective! The whitening gel contains a reduced amount of hydrogen peroxide, so the procedure is painless. And here you can purchase online that hack for zoom whitening light https://bleach-infiniter.com/. Simply give it a try. Best of luck


4/01/2021 9:15 pm  #3

Re: Are whitening treatments at the dentist safer than at home?

Thanx a lot for your recommendation. It means a lot to me. Cheers

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