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3/29/2022 5:11 am  #1

Why use WAF?

Why use WAF?


3/30/2022 4:01 am  #2

Re: Why use WAF?

Because Waf provides a lot of advantages. such as defense in depth. Detects and blocks attacks on vulnerable web applications. Protects against many vulnerabilities. Protects the company's web environment. But at the same time, it should be noted that there is always the possibility of Waf bypass https://hacken.io/researches-and-investigations/how-to-bypass-waf-hackenproof-cheat-sheet/  using different methods


4/05/2022 10:36 am  #3

Re: Why use WAF?

What is the topic?


4/13/2022 3:46 am  #4

Re: Why use WAF?

A WAF protects your web apps by filtering, monitoring, and blocking any malicious HTTP/S traffic traveling to the web application, and prevents any unauthorized data from leaving the app.


4/14/2022 1:08 am  #5

Re: Why use WAF?

WAF works according to a certain set of rules aimed at protecting against vulnerabilities in the application by filtering out malicious traffic. It is valued in particular for the speed and ease with which changes to these rules can be made, allowing for faster response to changing attack vectors. Recently, the number of WAFs has been constantly increasing and therefore it is important to know how to waf bypass http://www.kittehcoin.net/waf-bypass-how-to-bypass-a-firewall/ in a penetration test


5/17/2022 2:41 am  #6

Re: Why use WAF?

I really like Minecarft. Minecraft is a popular game. It's fun and accessible, allowing kids and adults a chance to play together. It's engaging, it gives you the ability to create your own easy crafting 1.7.10 world and customize it however you want, and the possibilities are endless!


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