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10/01/2024 10:09 pm  #1

UX/UI courses in the USA

Hey everyone! I'm looking to level up my UX/UI skills, specifically for gaming. Does anyone know of any good courses in the USA? I'm open to online options too. Thanks in advance!


10/01/2024 10:11 pm  #2

Re: UX/UI courses in the USA

Hi there! Um, I think I might be able to help. I remember hearing about this online school that offers a UX/UI course for gaming. I still have the link saved somewhere... Oh, here it is: https://elvtr.com/course/ux-ui-for-gaming. I haven't taken the course myself, so I can't really vouch for it, but it might be worth checking out. Maybe you could go to the site and look into the details yourself? They probably have all the information about the course structure, duration, and what you'll learn. Good luck with your search!


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