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10/07/2024 11:36 pm  #1

Proprietary Trading Explained for Beginners

The main reason companies (banks or other financial institutions) use prop trading is to make excess profits. As a rule, these institutions have a bigger capital and more advanced trading software to generate trading signals or ensure sophisticated modeling.This fact provides plenty of opportunities for proprietary traders. They can apply different strategies including such exclusive methodologies as arbitrage, global macro-trading, index or volatility arbitrage, and many other techniques to maximize their potential profits.

 Proprietary Trading AdvantagesHuge profits are the main advantage of prop trading. While brokers mainly enjoy commissions and different reward types, a proprietary trader shares 100% of income with the firm. Additionally, proprietary traders also have expanded investment opportunities.Pros for CompaniesIt lets banks and financial institutions enjoy the maximum possible revenue. What’s more, they may not even recruit traders and act on their own to make profits even higher.Flexibility in using assets is another great advantage of proprietary trading. In simpler words, banks can buy securities for speculative purposes and later start selling them to their customers, stocking a security inventory for the future. Assets can be provided as loans for those who want to sell short.As a result, companies have a chance to become the major market driving force, especially when dealing with specific or exclusive types of assets. The firm can use its capacity to provide clients with extra liquidity in some of those securities.Pros for TradersAs for proprietary traders, they have full access to an advanced technological stack and expanded capital. It helps them apply literally any strategy including automated approaches to execute thousands of trades simultaneously.Having sophisticated trading platforms at their disposal, prop traders can operate across a variety of financial markets and automate the process of making the most of high-frequency trading. Proprietary traders have all the necessary tools to develop, test, run, and improve their strategies

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