My name is Chris and I live in California. I've been listening to Tangentially Speaking ever since I heard Dr. Chris on JRE. I'm almost finished with Sex at Dawn and looking forward to Civilized to Death. I am currently studying Psychology at Saybrook University (Chris Ryan's alma mater). I've been recently thinking about moving to Mexico for a little while, any Mexicans on here that could tell me of some good places for a gringo to move to?
Hi, i am Joanna, 24. I live in Norway, but i am polish. I am a noob, since I have just started to listen to podcast and didn't read any of the books, but i want to check out Sex at Dawn. The podcast was recommend to me by Sam Harris fans. I know they don't align in many things with each other, but both of them value honest discussions which I enjoy. I take a lot of valuable practical philosophy lessons from Chris. I would love to make new friends, with like-minded people, so feel free to PM me
Oh, it looks like i need 3 posts to send a PM; so let it be it. Hello everybody!
Hello, I am Tim from the hated land of Texas. I first heard about Chris Ryan on the Paleo Solution podcast about 5 or 6 years ago and promptly read Sex at Dawn, had my ex wife read it, and got divorced. haha Furthermore, I have been a day one listener to Tangentially Speaking and the rabbit holes I have gone down because of Chris and his guests has truly changed my life. I have recently moved out of my Van where I lived the past few years (before Chris copied me), bought some land, and decided to settle down. Again, because of that damned Chris Ryan and his recommendation of The Unbearable Lightness Of Being.
Anyhow, my pair bond Aly and I love him and while we compete in BJJ, workout and such, we identify much more with him than Joe (but we love Joe and Duncan too). One day we hope to cross paths with others in the Chris Ryan community. Glad this forum is here and hope it grows!
nice post, you are right!