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7/21/2022 4:06 am  #1

What is the benefit of massage for the body?

What is the benefit of massage for the body?


7/21/2022 8:01 am  #2

Re: What is the benefit of massage for the body?

Massage ordered at TlchandsĀ https://tlchands.com/ has a positive effect on the entire body. When used correctly, massage improves well-being and improves overall tone, has a beneficial effect on all layers of the skin, improves blood circulation in the skin, cleanses the skin and improves skin and muscle tone. This is a reflex and humoral effect.


7/21/2022 9:56 pm  #3

Re: What is the benefit of massage for the body?

Reducing stress and increasing relaxation. Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension. Improving circulation, energy and alertness. Lowering heart rate and blood pressure.


8/04/2022 3:40 am  #4

Re: What is the benefit of massage for the body?


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